plot with power law line function
anvar sour
2018-02-02 20:51:01 UTC
Hi there,

I do appreciate if someone kindly help me that enables me to perform
fitting power-law line between two variable. I have two variable (LnB and
LnC), I want to plot this two variables and then I want to fit regression
line with power-law function across this two variable. Is it possible to
use geom-smooth to adjust a power-law curve?

Thanks for the help in advance.
Best Regards,
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Bin Wang
2018-02-03 05:46:17 UTC
just use the nls() function, in which specify the model (power law
function) u use. And below is a link to a post talking about non-linear


Post by anvar sour
Hi there,
I do appreciate if someone kindly help me that enables me to perform
fitting power-law line between two variable. I have two variable (LnB and
LnC), I want to plot this two variables and then I want to fit regression
line with power-law function across this two variable. Is it possible to
use geom-smooth to adjust a power-law curve?
Thanks for the help in advance.
Best Regards,
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anvar sour
2018-02-08 08:16:16 UTC
Dear Bin Wang,

thanks for your attention, but how I can calculate "a", and "b" for my data
in the following code?
nlm <- nls(Biomass ~ a * I(Coverage^b), start = list(a = ......, b = ......),
plot(Biomass ~ Coverage, data=data)
lines(data$Coverage, fitted(nlm), col = "red", lwd = 2)

Best Regards,
Post by anvar sour
Hi there,
I do appreciate if someone kindly help me that enables me to perform
fitting power-law line between two variable. I have two variable (LnB and
LnC), I want to plot this two variables and then I want to fit regression
line with power-law function across this two variable. Is it possible to
use geom-smooth to adjust a power-law curve?
Thanks for the help in advance.
Best Regards,
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