error in installation "ERROR: dependency 'rlang' is not available for package 'ggplot2' * removing
Xiaofang Duan
2018-10-29 21:51:14 UTC
dear friends:
I have tried to install ggplot 2 several times. But every time it showed
this *"ERROR: dependency 'rlang' is not available for package 'ggplot2'*
** removing 'D:/R-3.2.2/library/ggplot2'*
Can anyone help with this problem? Sorry for the trouble. Thanks a lot for
your help.

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Jeremy Miles
2018-10-29 22:50:28 UTC
Update your version of R. Current is 3.5.1.
Post by Xiaofang Duan
I have tried to install ggplot 2 several times. But every time it showed
this *"ERROR: dependency 'rlang' is not available for package 'ggplot2'*
** removing 'D:/R-3.2.2/library/ggplot2'*
Can anyone help with this problem? Sorry for the trouble. Thanks a lot for
your help.
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